How People Come To Know And Follow Jesus

How People Come To Know And Follow Jesus

John 1

Speaker: Pastor

Four Paths to Jesus: Discovering How People Come to Know and Follow Jesus

Have you ever wondered how people first come to know Jesus? What sparks that initial interest or connection? As a pastor, I’ve seen countless individuals begin their journey of faith in unique and personal ways. Recently, I’ve been reflecting on the various paths that lead people to Christ, and I’d like to share some insights from the Gospel of John that shed light on this fascinating topic.

In John chapter 1, we see a beautiful tapestry of how the first disciples came to know and follow Jesus. Their stories reveal four primary ways people encounter Christ, which still ring true today. Let’s explore these paths together and see how they might resonate with your own experience or inspire you to help others find their way to Jesus.

1. Through the Ministry of a Preacher

The power of preaching has been a cornerstone of Christian outreach since the very beginning. In John 1:29-34, we see John the Baptist introducing Jesus to others:

“The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'” (John 1:29)

John’s powerful declaration about Jesus’ identity and purpose drew people’s attention to Christ. Even today, many come to faith through hearing the Gospel preached. In fact, in a recent survey of our church members, about 38% said they came to know Christ through the preaching of God’s Word.

But here’s an important reminder: it’s not about the preacher’s eloquence or style. As I often say, “The power is not in the messenger; the power is in the message.” The Gospel itself has the power to transform lives when faithfully proclaimed. This is the first way people come to know and follow Jesus.

2. Through the Ministry of a Family Member

Family connections can be a powerful avenue for sharing faith. We see this illustrated in John 1:40-42:

“One of the two who heard John speak and followed Jesus was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (which means Christ). He brought him to Jesus.”

Andrew’s simple act of bringing his brother to Jesus had a profound impact. Peter went on to become one of the most influential figures in early Christianity. This reminds us never to underestimate the influence we can have on our family members.

In our church survey, about 37% of people said they came to know Christ through a family member. Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, sibling, or any other relation, your witness can make an eternal difference. This is the second way people come to know and follow Jesus.

3. Through the Ministry of a Friend

Friendships provide another vital pathway to faith. In John 1:45-46, we see this dynamic at work:

“Philip found Nathanael and said to him, ‘We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.’ Nathanael said to him, ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ Philip said to him, ‘Come and see.'”

Philip’s invitation to Nathanael is a perfect example of how we can share our faith with friends. We don’t need to have all the answers; we can simply invite them to “come and see” for themselves.

I personally came to know Christ through a friend named Mike Parks. His persistent witness and changed life eventually led me to faith. Don’t underestimate the impact your friendship and testimony can have on others. People can come to know and follow Jesus through the simplest interaction.

4. Through a Direct Encounter with Christ

Sometimes, Jesus reaches out to people directly. We see this in John 1:43:

“The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, ‘Follow me.'”

While we may not have the same physical encounter that Philip did, many people today testify to sensing God’s direct call on their lives. This might come through a powerful spiritual experience, a moment of clarity while reading Scripture, or a strong conviction of sin and need for salvation. No matter how God encounters you, people come to know and follow Jesus through direct encounters.

Life Application: Next Steps

So, where are you in your relationship with Jesus? If you haven’t yet come to know and follow Him, I encourage you to take that step of faith today. Believe in who Jesus is and what He’s done for you.

For those who are already followers of Christ, here are some practical next steps:

  1. Pray specifically for 3-5 people you know who don’t yet follow Jesus.
  2. Look for opportunities to invite others to “come and see” Jesus through church events or personal conversations.
  3. Be ready to share your own story of how you came to know Christ.
  4. Consider what your next step of growth in faith might be, whether it’s baptism, joining a small group, or serving in ministry.

Remember, just as the first disciples had ups and downs in their journey with Jesus, our walk of faith isn’t always smooth. But take heart – Christ will hold us fast through it all. As we continue to follow Him and invite others along the way, we participate in the beautiful, ongoing story of how people come to know and follow Jesus.

We hope you enjoyed the sermon and would love to see you in person. Plan your visit to Community Baptist Church in Spring Hill, Tennessee today!

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