CBC Weekly Bulletin- May 23

This Week

  • Graduating Senior Recognition- We will be recognizing those that are are graduating from high school this Sunday during the first service. 

Next Week

  • Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve- The next ministry opportunity at The Reserve will be on Saturday, June 1 from 10-11:45am. Please sign up here or at the Info Table.
  • Children’s Ministry Prayer Time- Join us in the Fellowship Hall after the the first service to spend time praying over this growing ministry next Sunday, June 2.
  • June SAM Luncheon- The June SAM Luncheon will be on Tuesday, June 4 from 11am-12:30pm. Please contact James White for more information. 
  • VBS All-Volunteer Meeting and Gospel Workshop- Volunteers should plan to attend this meeting on Wednesday, June 5 from 6:30-7:30pm. 

VBS Information

  • Prep Week Workshops
    • Wednesday Night Workshop- All hands on-deck! After the success of last year’s mid-week workshop, we’re doing it again on Wednesday, June 12 from 5-8pm. Dinner will be provided.
    • Saturday Workshop- The final workshop will be on Saturday, June 15 from 8:30am-5:30pm. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. 
  • Decorating Needs- We are in need of any and all cardboard or paper tubes (toilet paper, paper towel, wrapping paper and/or carpet tubes) to use for decorating for VBS. Please drop any donations off by Children’s Check-In.
  • Registration- The Great Jungle Journey awaits! Children ages 3 (potty-trained)- 5th grade are invited to join us on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation. We’ll be capping off the week with our Jungle Jam Family Night on Friday, June 21. Sign up here today!


These are only the new announcements. Click here to view all announcements.  
  • Missionary Visit and Special speaker- Jim and Donna Childs will be joining us on Sunday, June 9. As a full time missionary with ABWE’s EveryEthne, and an ordained minister, Jim’s primary focus is coming alongside churches, families and individuals as they learn to biblically and effectively navigate the challenging call to reach individuals from LGBTQ community, and to minister to people impacted by those issues. As one who once personally lived the gay lifestyle but who is now enjoying life in God’s true design alongside his wife, Jim brings a unique perspective and understanding to the topic. Click here to watch Jim’s testimony. 
  • Teen Summer Camp Offering- If you would like to give toward subsidizing the cost of teen summer camp, please label your offering envelope with “Teen Camp” before dropping it in the offering boxes. Any money collected will be divided amongst the 11 teens that will be attending. The deadline to donate is Sunday, July 7. 

Sign-Ups and Links

Find all the links to the different sign-ups or for more information below!
  • Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve- Sign up at the Info Table or here.
  • VBS Registration- Sign up here.
  • Tornado Relief Resources- Click this link to view the list.
  • Generosity Campaign- Submit your commitment card digitally by following this link. Please sign in before submitting your pledge.
  • General Information and Questions- Information about services or online giving, can be found here or send an email to [email protected].
  • Sunday Sermon- Last Sunday’s sermon is able to be viewed here.

Mark Your Calendar!

6/1- Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve, 10-11:45am
6/2- Children’s Ministry Prayer Time, following the 9:30 service
6/4- SAM Luncheon, 11am-12:30pm
6/5- VBS All-Volunteer Meeting and Gospel Workshop, 6:30-7:30pm
6/9- Missionaries Jim and Donna Childs
6/10-6/15- VBS Prep Week
6/12- VBS Prep Week Workshop and Dinner, 5-8pm
6/15- VBS Prep Week Workshop with Breakfast/Lunch, 8:30am-5:30pm
6/17-6/21- VBS, 9am-12pm
6/22- Experience Spring Hill
6/24- Ladies Book Club and Salad Luncheon, 10am-1pm
6/26- Ruley Family Arrives
6/26- Youth Summer Session starts, 6:30pm
6/28- Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve, 10-11:45am
7/7- Children’s Ministry Prayer Time, following the 9:30 service
7/10- Summer Youth meeting, 6:30pm
7/13- Meaningful Membership: New Member Class, 9-11:30am
YTD General Fund Giving
Actual: $210,219.22
Budget: $221,574.60
Generosity Campaign
Pledged: $681,621
Given: $429,320.73
Goal: $1,250,000