Weekly Bulletin

CBC Weekly Email- May 16

This Week

  • Community Kids Pancakes and Promotion- Promotion Sunday is this Sunday, May 19. During the first service, we will recognize nursery grads from this past year and rising 6th graders. Community Kids will continue the celebration during Transition Time with a special pancake bar. Please see the 5/15 email for more information or contact Erin Howlett with any questions. 
  • VBS Sunday Lunch Workshop- The next VBS Workshop is scheduled for Sunday, May 19. We will be working on painting and cutting the cardboard so please bring a box cutter or x-acto knife if you have one. Lunch is provided (please sign up here) and a change of clothes is suggested. 
  • Ladies’ Book Club and Salad Luncheon- The next Book Club meeting will be on Monday, May 20. We will meet at 10am to discuss Chris Fabry’s “Saving Grayson” followed by lunch at 11am. All ladies are welcome to attend either or both!
  • Mid-Week Services
    • Youth will meet at their normal time from 6:30-7:45pm
    • Ladies’ Bible Study will meet in the Fellowship Hall from 6:30-7:45pm for the final time this spring.

Next Week

  • VBS Gospel Workshop- On Wednesday, May 29 from 5-6pm we will have our Gospel Workshop to prepare for VBS. Dinner will be provided. Contact Erin Howlett for more information. 


These are only the new announcements. Click here to view all announcements.  
  • Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve- The next ministry opportunity at The Reserve will be on Saturday, June 1 from 10-11:45am. Please sign up here or at the Info Table. 
  • June SAM Luncheon- The June SAM Luncheon will be on Tuesday, June 4 from 11am-12:30pm. Please contact James White for more information. 
  • VBS All-Volunteer Meeting- Volunteers should plan to attend this meeting on Wednesday, June 5 from 6:30-7:30pm. Stay tuned for more information. 
  • Cemetery Plot- If you are finding yourself in the place of doing some forward thinking, or you know of someone who might be interested, we want to remind the church family that we have received a single cemetery plot through the Generosity Campaign that is still available. The plot is located in Spring Hill Memorial Cemetery and valued at $2,400. For further information, please see Rachel Lilly or Mary McVey in the Finance Department.
  • Tornado Relief Resources- Please visit this link for a list of organizations that are providing relief to first responders, work crews and those affected by the tornado. If you would like a list of go fund me accounts or meal trains to donate directly to tornado victims, please contact Brittany Bunce ([email protected]). 

Sign-Ups and Links

Find all the links to the different sign-ups or for more information below!
  • Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve- Sign up at the Info Table or here.
  • VBS Registration- Sign up here.
  • VBS Sunday Lunch Workshop- Please sign up here.
  • Tornado Relief Resources- Click this link to view the list.
  • Generosity Campaign- Submit your commitment card digitally by following this link. Please sign in before submitting your pledge.
  • General Information and Questions- Information about services or online giving, can be found here or send an email to [email protected].
  • Sunday Sermon- Last Sunday’s sermon is able to be viewed here.

Mark Your Calendar!

5/19- Children’s Ministry Promotion Sunday
5/20- Ladies Book Club and Salad Luncheon, 10am-1pm
5/26- Graduation Sunday
5/29- VBS Gospel Workshop, 6:30-7:30pm
6/1- Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve, 10-11:45am
6/2- Children’s Ministry Prayer Time, following the 9:30 service
6/4- SAM Luncheon, 11am-12:30pm
6/5- VBS All-Volunteer Meeting, 6:30-7:30pm
6/8- Parenting Kids in the 21st Century, 8:30-10am
6/9- Missionaries Jim and Donna Childs
6/10-6/15- VBS Prep Week
6/12- VBS Prep Week Workshop and Dinner, 5-8pm
6/15- VBS Prep Week Workshop with Breakfast/Lunch, 8:30am-5:30pm
6/17-6/21- VBS, 9am-12pm
6/22- Experience Spring Hill
6/24- Ladies Book Club and Salad Luncheon, 10am-1pm
6/26- Ruley Family Arrives
6/26- Youth Summer Session starts
6/28- Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve, 10-11:45am

YTD General Fund Giving
Actual: $194,791.01
Budget: $210,495.87

Generosity Campaign
Pledged: $681,621
Given: $298,578.28
Goal: $1,250,000