Warnings Against False Teachers – Titus 1:10-16

Warnings Against False Teachers

A Godly Church that Glorifies God

Thanks for watching our sermon!
In this sermon we’ll walk you through Titus 1:10-16:

  1. The identity of false teachers
  2. The description of false teachers
    a. They are insubordinate
    b. They are empty talkers
    c. They are deceivers
    d. They have a terrible reputation
    e. They turn away from truth
    f. They are defiled in their minds and conscience
    g. They are unbelieving
    h. They profess to know God
    i. They are detestable
    j. They are disobedient
    h. They are unfit for any good work
  3. Motive of a false teacher
  4. The consequence of a false teacher
  5. A biblical response to a false teacher
    a. A Godly leader must protect the sheep
    b. False teachers must be silenced
    c. False teachers must be rebuked
  6. Practical truths
    a. We must expect Godly leadership to lead the way
    b. We must put a priority on the teaching and preaching ministry
    c. We need to keep a priority on the pulpit and corporate worship
    d. We must equip and encourage parents to teach their children

We hope you enjoyed the sermon and would love to see you in person. Plan your visit to Community Baptist Church in Spring Hill, Tennessee today!

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