Minor Prophets, Major Lessons: Malachi 2:10-3:5

Minor Prophets, Major Lessons: Malachi 2:10-3:5
The service begins at 11 AM

Guard Yourselves
Malachi 2:10-3:5
I. God’s people must live faithful lives. (2:10-16)
a. Unfaithful worship separates us from God and each other. (2:10-12)
b. Unfaithful living separates us from God and each other. (2:13-16)

II. God’s people must speak faithful truths. (2:17-3:15)
a. Our faithful Father will judge the world perfectly in His perfect timing. (2:17-3:4)
b. Our faithful Father will judge us perfectly in His perfect timing. (3:5)

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