God Leads Us Along
Growing in Faith: How God Leads Us Along
Have you ever felt like your faith was stagnant? Or perhaps you’ve wondered why God seems to be taking His time in answering your prayers? As we journey through life, it’s easy to become impatient or discouraged when things don’t go according to our plans. But what if I told you that God is using these very moments to grow your faith?
In Genesis 21, we find a powerful story of how God works in the lives of Abraham and Sarah. Through their experiences, we can learn valuable lessons about how our faith grows and how God leads us along.
God Keeps His Word
One of the most fundamental aspects of growing in faith is realizing that God always keeps His word. In Genesis 21:1-2, we see this truth emphasized:
“The Lord visited Sarah as he said, and the Lord did to Sarah as he had promised. And Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the time of which God had spoken to him.”
These verses highlight three crucial phrases: “as he said,” “as he had promised,” and “at the time of which God had spoken.” God’s faithfulness to His word is not just a nice sentiment; it’s a rock-solid foundation for our faith.
But here’s the thing: God’s timing often doesn’t match our expectations. Abraham and Sarah had to wait 25 years for the fulfillment of God’s promise. During that time, God was working not just to fulfill His promise, but to grow Abraham and Sarah into people of faith.
As Hudson Taylor wisely said, “There is a living God. He has spoken to us in His word. He means what He says and will do what He has promised.”
God Calls Us to Do His Will
Growing in faith isn’t just about believing; it’s also about obeying. We see this in Abraham’s life as he follows God’s instructions to name his son Isaac and circumcise him on the eighth day (Genesis 21:3-4).
However, doing God’s will isn’t always easy. When God instructed Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away, the Bible tells us that “the thing was very displeasing to Abraham on account of his son” (Genesis 21:11). Yet, Abraham obeyed, trusting in God’s plan.
This reminds us that following God’s will often requires faith, especially when it doesn’t align with our own desires or understanding. As we step out in obedience, even when it’s difficult, our faith grows.
God Provides for Our Needs
Perhaps one of the most encouraging aspects of growing in faith is seeing how God provides for our needs. The story of Hagar and Ishmael in the wilderness beautifully illustrates this truth.
When Hagar was at her lowest point, thinking her son would die of thirst, “God heard the voice of the boy, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, ‘What troubles you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the boy where he is'” (Genesis 21:17).
God not only heard their cry but also opened Hagar’s eyes to see a well of water nearby. This reminds us that sometimes, the answer to our problems is closer than we think – we just need God to open our eyes to see it.
Putting It Into Practice
So, how can we apply these truths to our lives today? Here are some practical steps:
- Trust in God’s Word: Regularly remind yourself of God’s promises in Scripture. When you’re tempted to doubt, recall how God has been faithful in the past.
- Obey, Even When It’s Hard: When you sense God calling you to do something difficult, step out in faith. Remember, obedience often precedes understanding.
- Look for God’s Provision: In times of need, cry out to God. Then, be attentive to how He might be answering – sometimes in unexpected ways.
- Worship in All Circumstances: Like Abraham at the end of Genesis 21, make worship a constant in your life, regardless of your situation.
Remember, as the old hymn says, “God leads us along.” Sometimes it’s on the mountaintop, sometimes through the valley, but always with purpose. As we trust His word, do His will, and rely on His provision, our faith will grow, transforming us into the people He’s called us to be.
Let’s pray: Father, help us to trust Your word, obey Your will, and have faith in who You are. Grow our faith as we journey with You, knowing that You care for us deeply. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The Successful Man Who Failed Miserably
Doing God’s Will
Rooted in Ruin
The Grace Of God
Patterns For Growth
What’s Your Focus
We hope you enjoyed the sermon and would love to see you in person. Plan your visit to Community Baptist Church in Spring Hill, Tennessee today!