Divine Hospitality, Visitation, and Judgement

Divine Hospitality, Visitation, and Judgement

Genesis 18

Speaker: Pastor

Divine Hospitality: How Do You Respond When God Shows Up?

Have you ever considered what you’d do if God suddenly appeared at your doorstep? It might seem like an unlikely scenario, but the truth is, God reveals Himself to us every day. The question is: are we paying attention, and how do we respond?

In Genesis 18, we find a fascinating account of divine hospitality that challenges us to examine our own hearts and actions when it comes to welcoming God’s presence in our lives. Let’s explore three crucial questions that arise from this passage and see how they apply to our lives today.

1. What’s Your Response When the Lord Reveals Himself to You?

Imagine the scene: Abraham, 99 years old, sitting at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day. Suddenly, he looks up and sees three men standing before him. Little does he know that one of these visitors is none other than the Lord Himself.

Abraham’s response is remarkable:

“When he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the earth” (Genesis 18:2).

Notice Abraham’s enthusiasm and humility. He doesn’t just walk; he runs to greet his guests. He doesn’t stand tall; he bows low. This is a man excited about the presence of the Lord.

How do we compare? When we come to church or open our Bibles, do we approach with the same eagerness and reverence? Remember, as Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” The Lord is present when we gather to worship. Are we excited about that fact?

Abraham goes above and beyond in his hospitality, offering the finest flour for bread and selecting a “tender and good” calf for the meal. He gives his best to honor his guests.

In the same way, we should ask ourselves: How much time, energy, and effort have we put into our worship? How engaged are we? How gracious have we been in giving of our time and resources?

2. What’s Your Response When the Lord Reveals His Will or Plan for You?

As the conversation unfolds, the Lord reveals His plan to Abraham and Sarah: they will have a son within the year. This news seems impossible given their advanced age, and Sarah laughs in disbelief.

But the Lord’s response is powerful: “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14)

When God reveals His will for our lives, it often challenges our limited human perspective. We might face situations that seem impossible – a struggling marriage, financial difficulties, or health issues. But God’s question to us remains the same: Is anything too hard for the Lord?

How do we respond when God’s plans don’t align with our expectations or seem beyond our capabilities? Do we laugh in disbelief like Sarah, or do we trust in God’s power and faithfulness?

3. What’s Your Response When the Lord Reveals His Judgment of Others?

In the latter part of Genesis 18, God reveals to Abraham His plans to judge Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham’s response is remarkable – he intercedes on behalf of the righteous who might be living there.

“Far be it from you to do such a thing, to put the righteous to death with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from you! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?” (Genesis 18:25)

Abraham’s concern for others, even those living in notoriously sinful cities, challenges us. When we understand the lost condition of people around us, does it move us to intercede on their behalf? When was the last time we shed a tear for someone headed for eternal separation from God?

As followers of Christ, we have been given knowledge about the coming judgment. How does this knowledge change us? Does it motivate us to pray fervently and share the gospel boldly?

Life Application: Responding to God’s Presence

  1. Cultivate Enthusiasm: Approach your time with God, whether in church or personal devotions, with the same excitement Abraham showed. Run to meet with God!
  2. Offer Your Best: Give God your best in worship, service, and resources. Don’t settle for leftovers in your spiritual life.
  3. Trust God’s Plans: When God reveals His will, even if it seems impossible, remember that nothing is too hard for the Lord. Choose faith over doubt.
  4. Intercede for Others: Let your understanding of God’s coming judgment motivate you to pray fervently for those who don’t know Christ. Be bold in sharing the gospel.
  5. Practice Hospitality: Just as Abraham welcomed the Lord, look for opportunities to show hospitality to others. Remember, in serving others, we may be entertaining angels unawares (Hebrews 13:2).

As we reflect on Abraham’s example, let’s challenge ourselves to respond to God’s presence with enthusiasm, faith, and a heart for others. After all, the God of the universe is not just a distant deity – He’s a personal Lord who desires to fellowship with us. How will you welcome Him today?

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We hope you enjoyed the sermon and would love to see you in person. Plan your visit to Community Baptist Church in Spring Hill, Tennessee today!

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