Betrayal And Blessings
When Betrayal Leads to Blessings: Lessons from a Dysfunctional Family
Have you ever felt like your family was a mess? Like everyone was working against each other instead of together? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, some of the most famous families in the Bible were downright dysfunctional. Today, let’s dive into one such family story and see what we can learn about God’s amazing ability to work through our mistakes.
A Family in Chaos
In Genesis 27, we encounter a family that, quite frankly, is all jacked up. Isaac, the aging patriarch, is playing favorites. His wife, Rebecca, is scheming behind his back. Their son Jacob is lying and deceiving, while his brother Esau is furious and vengeful. It’s a perfect storm of sin and selfishness.
As I read this chapter, I can’t help but think: This family is one of the saddest chapters in the Book of Genesis. But here’s the incredible thing – God uses even this mess for His glory.
The Complicated Nature of Sin
Let’s be honest – sin is very complicated. It weaves a tangled web that affects everyone around us. In this story, we see:
- The sin of disobedience: Isaac goes against God’s prophecy about his sons.
- The sin of ungodliness: Esau despises his birthright, choosing the temporary over the eternal.
- The sin of favoritism: Both parents have their preferred child, creating tension for decades.
- The sin of lying and deceit: Rebecca and Jacob scheme to steal the blessing.
As I reflect on this family drama, I’m reminded that we’re all jacked up in our own ways. Sin makes us dysfunctional. We’re not what we ought to be. But here’s the good news: God is so good, so wise, so powerful, and so sovereign that He can take all the jacked-up people and all the jacked-up situations and turn them around for His own glory.
The Consequences of Sin
Now, don’t misunderstand me. Just because God can use our mistakes doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences. In Genesis 27, we see how sin tears this family apart:
- Jacob never sees his mother again.
- Esau wants to kill his brother.
- Jacob is estranged from his family for years.
As I often say, you can choose your sin, but you cannot choose its consequences. The cost of sin is always greater than we can ever imagine.
God’s Sovereignty Shines Through
Here’s where the story takes an amazing turn. Despite all the human failings, God’s purposes are not thwarted. As we sang in church, “This is my Father’s world, oh let me never forget that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.”
Remember, nothing in your life is so small or trivial as to escape God’s sovereign control, and nothing is so great as to be beyond His power to control it. Even when we make a mess of things, God is working behind the scenes.
The Ultimate Example: The Cross
The greatest demonstration of God’s ability to bring good out of evil is the cross of Jesus Christ. Acts 2:23 tells us, “This Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.”
What seemed like the ultimate tragedy – the death of God’s Son – became the means of our salvation. As the Puritans used to say, “God outshoots Satan with his own bow.”
Applying These Truths
So how do we live in light of these truths? Here are some practical takeaways:
- Trust in God’s sovereignty, even when life seems chaotic.
- Confess your sins and seek to follow God’s will in God’s way.
- Remember that God can bring purpose out of your pain.
- Praise God for His unmatched power and control over all circumstances.
As we go about our week, let’s remember that no matter how messy our lives or families may seem, God is still on the throne. He’s still in control. And He’s working all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
May we trust Him, obey Him, and give Him glory in all circumstances – even when betrayal seems to surround us. For in His hands, even betrayal can lead to unexpected blessings.
We hope you enjoyed the sermon and would love to see you in person. Plan your visit to Community Baptist Church in Spring Hill, Tennessee today!