CBC Weekly Email- May 2

This Week

  • Foundations Men’s Skeet Shooting- The men in the Foundations Group (20s-40s) will be going skeet shooting at Henry Horton this Saturday, May 4 at 10am. We will be doing 2 of the 5 stand rounds and 50 shells will be needed. Guns are available for rent and shells can be purchased as well. Lunch will follow for those that wish to stay. Please sign up here if you plan to attend.
  • Sunday Worship Service- Missionaries Brett and Brittni Stowe will be joining us this Sunday for both services. We will also celebrate the Lord’s Table. 
  • Johnson Diaper Shower- A table will be in the lobby to collect diapers and wipes in celebration of the upcoming arrival of Baby Johnson. This Sunday will be the last day to drop off diapers and wipes. Preferred brands are Huggies or Kirklands. 
  • VBS Sunday Lunch Workshop- The next VBS Sunday Lunch Workshop will be this Sunday from 12-3:30pm. Come prepared to help make VBS decorations for the lobby and auditorium. No special skills are needed. Lunch is provided (please sign up here) and a change of clothes is suggested.
  • Small Group Childcare- Small Group Childcare will be celebrating the end of the semester this Sunday with special activities and dinner will be provided. Please see Colleen’s email on 5/1 for more details. 
  • SAM Luncheon- The next SAM Luncheon will be on Tuesday, May 7 from 11am-12:30pm. For more information, please contact James White.
  • Mid-Week Services: 
    • KidzLife and Youth will meet at their normal time from 6:30-7:45pm.
    • Ladies’ Bible Study- The ladies will meet in the Fellowship Hall from 6:30-7:45pm to continue their study of 1, 2 and 3 John.

Next Week

  • An Afternoon for Crafty Women- All ladies are invited to an afternoon of crafts on Saturday, May 11 from 1-3:30pm. Mollie Bozarth will be leading us through making a mosaic with flower pots. Cost is $10 to cover the supplies. Register and pay online here or stop by the Info Table to sign up to pay by cash or check. Please place cash or checks an envelope with your name and deposit in an offering box.
  • Baby Dedication- We will have a baby dedication on Mother’s Day, May 12. If you are interested in participating, please contact Pastor Dan. 
  • Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve- The next Ladies Ministry opportunity at The Reserve will be on Monday, May 13 from 10-11:45am. Please contact Stacey Richard for more information. 
  • KidzLife Hello Summer! Party- All Community Kids are welcome to join us for a fun night of dinner and treats to celebrate the end of the school year on Wednesday, May 15. 


These are only the new announcements. Click here to view all announcements.  
  • Pancakes and Promotion- Promotion Sunday is May 19. Stay tuned for more details about how Community Kids plans to celebrate during Transition Time with a special pancake treat!
  • Ladies’ Book Club and Salad Luncheon- The next Book Club meeting will be on Monday, May 20. We will meet at 10am to discuss Chris Fabry’s “Saving Grayson” followed by lunch at 11am. All ladies are welcome to attend either or both.
  • Pregnancy Centers of Middle Tennessee Baby Bottle Campaign- Make sure to grab a baby bottle on Mother’s Day, May 12 to collect money to benefit the Pregnancy Centers of Middle Tennessee. The Baby Bottle Campaigns make up 22% of their annual budget and help provide free ultrasounds, parenting curriculum, personal mentorships, Bible classes and material resources to mothers and families in their program. Please return bottles on Father’s Day, Sunday June 16.

Sign-Ups and Links

Find all the links to the different sign-ups or for more information below!
  • Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve- Sign up at the Info Table or here.
  • VBS Registration- Sign up here.
  • VBS Sunday Lunch Workshop- Please sign up here.
  • An Afternoon for Crafty Women- Register and pay online here or stop by the Info Table to sign up to pay by cash or check.
  • Generosity Campaign- Submit your commitment card digitally by following this link. Please sign in before submitting your pledge.
  • General Information and Questions- Information about services or online giving, can be found here or send an email to [email protected].
  • Sunday Sermon- Last Sunday’s sermon is able to be viewed here.

Mark Your Calendar!

5/4- Foundations Men’s Skeet Shooting, 10am-1pm
5/5- Diaper Shower for Andrew and Olivia Johnson
5/5- Communion and Missionaries Brett and Brittni Stowe
5/5- Children’s Ministry Prayer Time, following the 9:30 service
5/5- VBS Sunday Lunch Workshop, 12-3pm
5/7- May SAM Luncheon, 11am-12:30pm
5/11- An Afternoon for Crafty Women, 1-3:30pm
5/12- Mother’s Day and Baby Dedication
5/13- Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve, 10-11:45am
5/15- KidzLife Hello Summer! Party, 6:30-7:45pm
5/19- Children’s Ministry Promotion Sunday
5/20- Ladies Book Club and Salad Luncheon, 10am-1pm
5/26- Graduation Sunday
5/29- VBS Gospel Workshop, 6:30-7:30pm
6/1- Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve, 10-11:45am
6/2- Children’s Ministry Prayer Time, following the 9:30 service
6/4- SAM Luncheon
6/5- VBS All-Volunteer Meeting, 6:30-7:30pm
6/8- Parenting Kids in the 21st Century, 8:30-10am
6/9- Missionaries Jim and Donna Childs
6/10-6/15- VBS Prep Week
6/12- VBS Prep Week Workshop and Dinner, 5-8pm


YTD General Fund Giving
Actual: $172,357.78
Budget: $188,338.41

Generosity Campaign
Pledged: $681,621
Given: $295,310.37
Goal: $1,250,000