This Week- Youth Hike and Lunch- The youth will be hiking and having lunch together on Saturday, April 20. Cost is $5 per person. We will meet at the church at 9:30am and return by 2pm.
- Bridal Shower for Emily Smothermon- The church is hosting a bridal shower honoring Emily Smothermon on Saturday, April 20 from 2-4pm. Emily and her fiancé, John, are registered on Amazon (found here). Join us as we celebrate their upcoming marriage!
- Missions Trip- This Sunday is the last day to bring items for Jamison and Isaiah to take on their trip to Manila. Suggested items include: playing cards, candy, guitar pics, small toys for boys and girls.
- April Fellowship Meal and Family Meeting- The April Fellowship Meal (subs, chips and salads) will be hosted by the Legacy Group (40s-50s) on April 24 starting at 6pm. Children will be dismissed to Nursery and KidzLife and the Family Meeting will begin immediately following the meal. Please RSVP here or at the Info Table.
Next Week- Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve- All ladies are invited to The Reserve Assisted Living facility to play games with the residents on Saturday, April 27 from 10-11:45am. Please sign up here or at the Info Table. Can’t make it that Saturday? Don’t worry; there will be additional dates this spring and summer.
- Ladies Book Club- The next Ladies Book Club and Salad Luncheon will be on Monday, April 29 from 10am-1pm. For more information, please contact Cheri Beatty.
AnnouncementsThese are only the new announcements. Click here to view all announcements. - Johnson Diaper Shower- Starting next week, a table will be in the lobby to collect diapers and wipes to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Baby Johnson. Drop off any size diapers between April 28-May 5.
- SAM Luncheon- The next SAM Luncheon will be on Tuesday, May 7 from 11am-12:30pm. For more information, please contact James White.
- VBS Decorating Needs- We are no longer in need of large sheets of cardboard thanks to all those that donated! We do still need all of your cardboard or paper tubes (toilet paper, paper towel, wrapping paper or carpet tubes). They can be dropped off by Children’s Check-In.
Sign-Ups and LinksFind all the links to the different sign-ups or for more information below! - April Fellowship Dinner and Quarterly Family Meeting- RSVP here or at the Info Table.
- Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve- Sign up at the Info Table or here.
- VBS Registration- Sign up here.
- Small Group Schedule- Click here to view the schedule.
- Generosity Campaign- Submit your commitment card digitally by following this link. Please sign in before submitting your pledge.
- General Information and Questions- Information about services or online giving, can be found here or send an email to [email protected].
- Sunday Sermon- Last Sunday’s sermon is able to be viewed here.
Mark Your Calendar! 4/20- Youth Hike and Lunch, 9:30am-2pm 4/20- Bridal Shower for Emily Smothermon, 2-4pm 4/24- April Fellowship Dinner and Quarterly Family Meeting, 6-7:30pm 4/27- Ladies Ministry Opportunity @ The Reserve, 10-11:45am 4/28 & 5/5- Diaper Shower for Andrew and Olivia Johnson 4/29- Ladies’ Book Club and Salad Luncheon, 10am-1pm 5/4- Foundations Men’s Skeet Shooting, 10am-1pm 5/5- Communion and Missionaries Brett and Brittni Stowe 5/5- Children’s Ministry Prayer Time, following the 9:30 service 5/5- VBS Sunday Lunch Workshop, 12-3pm 5/7- May SAM Luncheon, 11am-12:30pm 5/11- An Afternoon for Crafty Women, 12-4:30pm 5/12- Mother’s Day and Baby Dedication 5/19- Children’s Ministry Promotion Sunday 5/20- Ladies Book Club and Salad Luncheon, 10am-1pm 5/26- Graduation Sunday 5/29- VBS Gospel Workshop, 6:30-7:30pm _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ YTD General Fund Giving Actual: $157,477.81 Budget: $166,180.95 Generosity Campaign Pledged: $681,621 Given: $289,705.72 Goal: $1,250,000 |